The spirit realm is actually more real than what is seen right now. Right now there is a battle around you between angels & demons / good & evil / light & darkness (Eph 6:12). This battle is for souls - darkness wants to destroy as many as they can & light wants to save as many as they can (1 Pet 2:11-12). If you don’t believe that - it will be hard for you to use what we teach you here. But if you believe that there’s an enemy that is real, and his mission is to destroy your life, you will be able to take what we teach you here and use it.
Intro: Why Know About Angels?
Why teach on angels? Because you aren't using everything God has given you for your troubles here (John 16:33: "in this world, you will have trouble")
God has given us many weapons to use for our battles/troubles here:
Holy Spirit (resurrection power / anointing / His Presence). Word (filled with promises & answers & direction).
Armor (faith / righteousness / peace / truth). Praise & Thanksgiving. Word of our testimony. Blood of Jesus / Name of Jesus (Name above all Names by which they tremble: James 2:19)
AND Angels
Many of your troubles are spiritually rooted - we can't fight it with willpower/flesh. We must learn to fight our battles in the spirit. Angels is a method we use to fight our battles in the spirit - evil spirits are often the reason for your troubles, use angels to fight them!
You don't realize it: you've been content with a splash pool when you have the whole ocean behind you. You've been praying, fighting on your own, but the truth is, you have an ocean of angels to make use of behind you! And that's what we're unlocking today!
Purpose Of Angels:
Angels are NOT here to entertain us, give us experiences, for us to admire them, for us to worship them, for us to chat to or to be our friends.
Angels serve a purpose, to protect, to defend and to guard us. As we walk in obedience to God (Psalm 91:11)
Purpose of Angels: Heb 1:14. To serve, accompany and protect.
Angels are there to assist us, enable us, making it possible, to continue our mission here on earth!
Angels ONLY obey God & His Word! Therefore, when you issue a command to an angel, according to God's Word, by faith, they act! Psalm 103:20.
Angels also “minister” to us: How?
God sends them to answer our prayers - Acts 12:5-17 (Peter imprisoned & saints praying for him), your prayers can activate angels to help another!
God sends them to Encouraqe us with a messaqe — Acts 27:23-24 (Paul shipwrecked). God sends them to protect— Daniel in Lion's den — Dan 6:22
Remember: they are our aids — they help us to do what we must do for God.
They are fellow servants, together with us, they serve God (Rev 19:10)! They must never be worshiped or made a fuss over! Only God is worshipped!
How To Use Angels:
It's normal to feel awkward in the beginning. It's using a weapon for the first time: uncertain, but you grow into it as with any new practice.You have a weapon at your disposal at all times, to fight the enemy using angels. But with any weapon, you MUST know how to use them. Angels are like those weapons. We must know how to use them:
1. You can ask God to instruct them
You can instruct them yourself
Demolish “strongholds” (2 Cor 10:3-5) & Crushing (Rom 16:20). When I'm telling a stronghold or a curse over my life to be destroyed, it's the angels “smashing” “destroying” the bondage!
Angels are there to be used for battle! They serve a purpose, not for experiences. The mission is and has always been to save people - use Angels to complete your mission!
Evelyn Monteiro